Sunday, August 28, 2011

What a privilege to carry!

Today in our sunday school class, a question was asked of us. List 3 things that stress you out about parenting. Immediately, I could think of about 20 things that "get on my nerves" but the word stressed really got me thinking. My three were in no particular order, death of my child/children either through freak accident or illness, my children making the right decisions, & safety/innocence. Not that I think of these every waking minute, but I must admit these things have made me lose some precious beauty sleep. How do I as a parent release that control & trust in God? Have confidence that what we are doing as parents will keep them safe & mature them into loving adults? And if he decides to take them earlier than what I expected, to be okay with that? In all the craziness that bounces back and forth in my head, I have been convinced that I am truly blessed to be called a mother. What better self help book to read about parenting than the bible! What humbleness I have to realize that God has trusted me, Joni Mathews, to raise his children here on earth. What a privilage that is.