Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Celebration 3 John Passmore

Celebration 3
My brother John Passmore.

John is a hard fellow to figure out!  Growing up I didn't so much like him.  He was the typical big brother....making fun of me, calling me names, locking me in closets while humming the Jaws theme song.  I still will not get in the ocean for fear of sharks!  He secluded himself from me probably because I was his annoying younger sister.

Age does something to you.  Makes you more appreciative of family.  Makes you become more "chill".  Makes you see relationships in a different perspective.

This is what I see in my brother.

He is a hard worker!  There have been countless people who come up to me and tell me how he has taken care of them.  I know he has delivered gravel, cleaned snow off of driveways, plowed gardens with his tractor.  He usually just shows up willing to give you a helping hand.  No money, no glory, just a loving servant.

He is a good dad.  You go to a ballgame, you see John.  Dance recitals, you see John. Track meets, you see John.  Choir concerts, you see John.  He is the ever present father figure not only to his kids, but also to many others.

He is proud of his community.  He expects the best in everyone.  He wants the younger generation to have role models to look up to.  He wants children to be disciplined is their speech, actions, and attitude.  He wants the older generations to take pride in our youth.  Be supportive.  Be present.  He volunteers his time for the future of Mitchell.  He has coached several young boys and girls in all sports and all ages.  He is proud of our little town and continues to give back his talent, his money, and his time.  

He has taught me the importance of community.  In his honor, I picked up all the trash around the high school baseball field. 

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