Thursday, July 8, 2010

That's just BS!

Ok, this is an inside joke for some. If you are on facebook and you read some peoples status about how great their life is, they have well behaved children, their marriage has no faults, basically they are living happily ever after. The comment that my little fingers want to type is BS! So here is my chance for Karma, please if you dare leave a comment :) Here are my BS moments!

1. He leaves me enough coffee in the morning for my one cup
2. He rubs my feet without me asking
3. He runs my bath water when he knows I'm stressed and entertains children so I can have some alone time
4. He buys tampons
5. He never complains about my cooking even though I know I can't come close to his mama's
6. He plays baseball with Maddox the first time he ask
7. He tells Lily that she is so pretty, but even prettier when she smiles
8. He laughs at Grant for all the little silly things he says and does
9. He reads his Bible and tries to live by example
10. He buys me cherry cokes so big that I can fit my head into them
11. He loves his parents
12. He knows how to empty the dishwasher
13. He puts my laundry away (one of the task I despise)
14. He works so I can stay home
15. He prays
16. He doesn't get the name competitive Mike for nothing
17. He tells me that I'm sexy
18. He knows what my favorite flower is
19. He has fixed my parents house into our home
20. He builds snowman with our children while I stay warm inside
21. He starts the car on cold winter days
22. He gets up with Lily on school days so I can sleep in
23. He helps with homework (he's great at Math)
24. He's smart
25. He's kind
26. He's helpful
27. He's sensitive
28. He's smart with money
29. He's wise
30. He will fill my car up with gas
31. He's funny
32. He's affectionate
33. He cooks all my meat so I don't have to see it raw or even worse touch it raw
34. He's gentle when correcting my behavior or attitude
35. He cleaned out the nasty basement this summer so I would quit having asthma attacks
36. My porch is GLORIOUS
37. He always gets in the pool with our children because their Mama doesn't like what she looks like in a swimsuit
38. He wants to adopt someday
39. He loves to teach
40. He is the love of my life, my true best friend, my boyfriend, my favorite man!

The BS List ......Best Spouse List
created and submitted by Joni Mathews


  1. Ha!!! But how can you have BS when I do??!! Way to go Mike!!! ( now, why do i think that he has an equally nice list about you somewhere??:D)

  2. Joni;
    I think this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. It is not just the words but the feeling of love that came over me as I read it. You and Mike do have something extra special and are very special people in God's eyes, I am sure. You are true blessing to this world.

  3. What a wonderful idea and way to praise the man in your life! I'm stealing it!
