Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gaps in the sidewalk

Today in the local newspaper there was an article about young people turning away from religion. The following quotes could have been said directly by me (even though I'm not in my early 20's). Here's the section of the article that spoke to me as I felt someone had crawled into my head & wrote my feelings down for all to read!

Young people read in scripture about the great risks people took on behalf of their faith and feel as if their experience in church was very safe and innocuous and devoid of challenge,” he said. “They say that God seemed missing from their church experience.”

“Sometimes we preachers are guilty of communicating Bible truths without applying it and making it relevant to young people and the issues they are facing,” he said. “When we fail to apply Biblical truths to the 21st century, we fail our young people.”

These last few months, okay who am I kidding, these last few years I really don't know why I go to church! If it wasn't for my hubby being
the man he is, this "young lady" would stay in bed. I know, I know what about my children. Sure I want to teach them that church is important, but more importantly I want them to love God, love others, as Jesus did. To be completely honest, the church fails time after time, when it comes to true sacrifice of our time, our money, and our commitment!

I'm not sure how to get out of this funk! Any wisdom on the matter would be greatly appreciated! We (I) have spoken to the elders about our concerns that we see in the church. I go to church every Sunday with an open heart, yearning to be filled with the holy spirit, leaving feeling fresh & renewed by worshiping God.....but it's just not happening. I attend Wednesday night bible study only to walk away frustrated with mediocre discussion, so much lip service, no actions needed. Then, Sunday night we are suppose to have a small group which we can be accountable to, have close relationships with.....well that ain't happening!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing my church, I'm bashing all churches! Are we really different from the world? Are we really sacrificing? Are we too comfortable to really be working for Gods kingdom? Are we really on a journey or have we pushed the auto pilot button?

All these thoughts & questions that I wrestle with are just gaps in the sidewalk that occasionally I trip over in my daily walk. Sometimes I can just prepare myself & step over them rejoicing in my ability to see them ahead of time to avoid the embarrassment of my fall. Other times, I'm walking too fast to even notice the instability that lays ahead. Then there are times, like now, that I see the gaps, I want to avoid them, but for some reason I can't & I stumble........but I always make it to my destination. Maybe a little bruised, extremely tired, frustrated beyond words, but FAITHFUL to finish the walk.

1 comment:

  1. We need to talk.....I have been where you are.....Dinner sometime??
