Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Love God, Love Others

Now that basketball is over in this household, maybe I can speak my thoughts without the bitter feelings of being a single mama for 3 months. No, this is not a bitch fest against my hubby, it's for ALL parents. First of all, let me explain the picture, instead of being a black stamp on my hand it might at well say SATAN RULES! For some reason, I haven't figured it out quite yet, adults think once they have this stamp everything is free range, yelling, cursing, immaturity, whining, basically any emotions you want to let react.....CAN. So, this stamp was given to me during a wonderful SUNDAY afternoon basketball tournament (insert sarcasm). After attending for just a few minutes, I wanted to take a survey of the crowd to see who just left "church", but then slowly said a prayer to handle myself in a Godly manner. You see, I am my father's daughter, my competitive hubby's wife, and a woman who enjoys winning, not just in sports, but everything....ask Mike :)

The more I parent, the more I realize that parenting isn't easy! Growing up, my Dad spoke "not so kind" comments, not only to coaches and referees, but to his own flesh & blood. I can recall the many times that my Dad got kicked out of ballgames for his behavior. Standing in the street at the softball field, cursing, yelling, acting on his emotions. Memories of words that were said after a ballgame and the feelings that I suppressed for so many years. Then the time that my Dad didn't show up for our National Cheerleading Competition in Tennessee because he didn't "like" cheerleading. Did he not "like" his own daughter? As I grow older, I realize that my Dad took the easy way out! He gave into temptation, instead of holding his tongue. He did what came naturally, instead of fighting against the norm. I can tell you this, whatever lesson my Dad was trying to teach me, whatever skill he was trying to get me to improve.....I don't remember them. I do remember the way I felt! Like a complete idiot, complete failure, complete embarrassment. Nothing I did, ever seemed good enough for him. I don't think that was his intentions, but that's what a little girl remembers when she looks back on those years.

So I'm writing this mainly as a reminder to ALL parents, including myself, to just be your child's biggest fan! Don't hash over the details, don't be negative about other players, coaches, or even referees, don't degrade, don't curse, don't yell, don't embarass, JUST DON'T. You may think I'm an idiot, you may think I have no idea because you don't have ______ as a coach, you may think well "my kids need guidance"....well you might want to read this too. My prayer is next time you get the "stamp", you will remember LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS.

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