Monday, March 26, 2012

Where are the leaders?

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams

Okay, I know some of you are thinking that Jesus is coming back since I'm writing yet another blog post, but this Mama needs sleep so I'm getting some of these conversations out of my head. Sorry for the ramblings, but I hope that some day my children can read these knowing that I struggled with parenting, marriage, friendships, just life in general.

Yesterday, at our LifeGroup we discussed the roles of leaders. I won't go into detail about the conversations, but this is what I've been wrestling with. Leaders should be held at higher standards than others, Right? We are all leaders in some part of our life, Right? Whether you are a factory worker, teacher, nurse, business owner, wife, mother, shouldn't we be thinking about who we are influencing? My hubby, the wise man that he is, basically said this....when I was single I acted a certain way, then I got married acted a certain way, then I had children acted a certain way, then I became a teacher acted a certain way....not that any of his actions were wrong at that stage of his life, but his influence became greater the more responsibilities he took on. So what am I trying to influence my children to do or to become? Are my actions modeling these goals? Am I surrounding myself with families that share these same goals? Do my children know why I'm trying to influence their character? Does the church reflect these same goals?

Seriously, today I was trying to "create a top 10 list" and I really don't know where to start. Here's what I got so far in no particular order. I would love for some wiser, more mature people to chime in.

1. Be honest
2. Respect authority
3. Have manners
4. Pray
5. Study the Word
6. Make good choices
7. Save yourself for marriage
8. Be organized
9. Have compassion
10. Help others
11. Use your talents
12. Don't be materialistic
13. Be giving of your time, money, and skills
14. Follow God
15. Be thrifty & use your money wisely
16. Be thankful
17. Be transparent, not fake
18. Ask for help, it shows strength not weakness
19. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all
20. Get an education
21. Eat healthy

All of these are good traits for my children to have, but I'm trying to focus on about 3 to really "live out" in our daily interactions with each other. I don't want it to become a list of things, I truly want to influence their life.

Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6 NIV)

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