Friday, May 27, 2016

Celebration 5 Joyce Dorsett

Celebration 5
My neighbor Joyce Dorsett.

When I was just 13 years old, my neighbor Joyce seen in me a responsible, caring, and nurturing girl.
Our families were always close.  Her toddler Drew, spent a lot of hours at our house.  He was such a joy to be around and we looked forward to his visits.  Then, along came his little sister Devin.  She was perfect and made that sweet family complete.  Joyce asked that I babysit those sweet children and to my surprise my parents agreed.  I can still remember her husband, Bobby, sitting down with me giving me instructions, pouring his heart out about how much those kiddos meant to him, and making sure I knew the responsibilities that were required.

I'm thankful for those times with the Dorsett kids.  They taught me so much in my young life.  While others my age were riding mopeds, spending their days poolside, or fighting with their siblings....I was being needed and wanted by two sweet souls.  I learned about money.  I learned about patience.  I learned about time management.  I learned how to calm a crying baby. I learned how to entertain a crazy 2 year old boy.

Joyce and Bobby made it easy.  I watched them love each other, I watched them love their kids and I followed their example. I watched them closely.  I wanted to learn how to parent, how to love and treat your spouse, how to take time for each other even with the chaos of parenting, and how to have fun as a family.

Looking back, I can't believe they entrusted me with such a mission, but I'm so thankful they did. They taught me the importance of family.  In their honor, I'm preparing a meal for a family that just added a second daughter to their home just days ago.

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