Friday, June 3, 2016

Celebration 6 Phyllis Fults

Celebration 6
My favorite teacher Mrs. Fults.

While in high school during my sophomore year, I would hear horror stories about Mrs. Fults.  I had Mr. Tieken during my sophomore year and all we had to do in his class was talk about football.  I was nervous thinking about English 11A.  Mrs. Fults did fulfill some of the rumors I had heard.  She was very strict.  She expected your best work.  She was all business.  She didn't accept excuses.  I appreciated that she thought we were smarter, that our handwriting could be more legible, and that our essays should be more thought provoking.  She believed in me before I believed in myself.  Then, we were blessed to have her our senior year because the Senior English teacher took the year off.  Mrs. Fults was so much fun that year.  She became my friend along with being my teacher.

What I truly remember about her is while turning in homework (like any teenage girl would do) in the corner was my confession of being "so in love" with my most recent boyfriend.  When the homework was returned, there in red ink......"True Love is NOT boastful" along with the bible verse reference.  I don't think I have ever written that I loved anyone on any surface since that day.  It was something that stuck with me all these years.  She spoke truth to me, not in a hateful or degrading way, but in a loving matter-of-fact way.

In her honor, I delivered dessert to my preacher.  He speaks Truth and I'm thankful that after all these years my ears still want to listen.

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