Friday, June 10, 2016

Celebration 17 Shellie Samsil Yother

Celebration 17
My bestest friend Shellie Samsil Yother.

We have been friends since I can remember.  We competed in the little miss pageant and that's the first time I remember our paths crossing.  She was kind and had a smile that could make all your troubles disappear.  We have had our ups and downs like most friends do, but we have never given up on each other or our friendship.  There are so many things I appreciate about her and feel blessed that I can call her my friend.

She loves the Lord. She tries to do anything and everything to please him and be the woman that he has called her to be.

She is confidant.  She married the day after we graduated and had the confidence that she would make it work and she has.  It wasn't easy, but she persevered through the rough times and I think her marriage is as true picture of commitment, not only to Andy but mostly to God.

She is brave.  She had lived in Jasper for many years and made a life there with her family.  She felt led by the Lord to move to Florida and instead of questioning she just DID it. I so want to be like her when I grow up!

She taught me to be fearless. In her honor, I flew all by myself! I put my big girl panties and flew to Florida to surprise her.  It was priceless!

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