Thursday, June 9, 2016

Celebration 16 Deb Cory

Celebration 16
My mentor Deb Cory.

Deb came into my life during Mike's youth pastor days.  Their sweet family moved into the town of Mitchell and Mike was blessed to have a couple of her children in his youth group.  She was an important very involved person when we took prayer to the streets of Mitchell.  She was the person who put blood, sweat, and tears into the pregnancy center in our little ole town.  If you have ever been blessed to sit on her porch or share a meal with her and her family you know that she is the true definition of hospitality.  When I think of the bible story of Mary and Martha, I picture sweet Deb at Jesus's feet listening to him and absorbing all that he is.

Later when I decided to go back to work after Lily was born, sweet Deb accepted our request to watch her.  Their bond was unshakable, their friendship was pure, and their love for each other undeniable.  Even though I later stayed home with my kiddos, Lily still requested "Debbie days".  The visits have dwindled, but Deb still holds a special place in our lives.

She was there for me with words of wisdom.  She was encouraging when others wanted to blame. She has a way of just making you feel heard and understood.  She protects the innocent.....she will still get fired up if I just mention the time she took Lily to the playground :)  She will gently scorn, but always with love and kindness.  If you follow her on facebook, you know that I'm not the only one she has shared her gift with. She truly is a mentor to many.

She taught me the importance of being involved especially when it comes to the less fortunate.  To not be a bystander, but to do something.  In her honor, I will be donating a day to our local food bank.

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