Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Celebration 15 Pastor Raymond Bunn

Celebration 15
Pastor Raymond Bunn.

He was good to my husband, therefore he was wonderful in my eyes.  What I found out about Pastor Bunn was if he felt the Lord wanted him to say it.....he would always say it.  Even if it hurt your feelings, even if it wasn't what the lukewarm Christians wanted to hear, even if the deacons had asked him not to.  When that man rocks up on his tiptoes look out and listen closely because it's straight from above.

He took our church to places we had never been.  It was the best experience I ever had when it comes to being the feet of Jesus.  We literally walked the streets of Mitchell and prayed over households.  The holy spirit was in full force and I have no doubt seeds were being planted.  It was good.  It was different.  It was needed for our church.

Then, the announcement came that Pastor Bunn would be moving back to Virginia to be close to family.  My heart just ached.  I can remember that man praying over us when he left and at the end of saying goodbye he told me to send him the details when the baby was born.  It was the confidence in his voice that made me believe maybe I would be a mother one day.  The first time he met Lily, he laid hands on her and thanked God for hearing our prayers.  I can hear him know.......LORD hear our prayers.

He is a man of God.  He is a servant.  He loves ALL people.  AND I SURE DO MISS HIM!

In his honor, I will be eating breakfast with Mark Bryant, Rosie Evans (in spirit),  Barbara Buskirk (in my heart) and Mike at HIS table at Spring Mill.  I'll drink a cup of coffee and boss the waitresses around just like the old days.

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