Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Celebration 14 Lucy

Celebration 14
Best Dog Ever Lucy.

Ok. Ok. I know she is not a person, but she has become family to me.  It is going to be a very sad day when she is no longer here.  I keep trying to prepare myself for it because she is 15 years old that's 105 in human years.  She has always been a sweet soul.  She let my kids do anything and everything to her while they were little ones.  She wore bead necklaces, she let blocks be crashed upon her, she had her ears pulled, her eyes poked, and has been tackled more than once.....without ever snapping or growling.

We adopted her from the humane society when she was just 6 months old. I'm sure she had a rough life because if I picked up a broom or anything with a long stick she would bolt out of the room and have to be coaxed back.  One time when she was hit by a car, the x-rays revealed she had several bb's in her from being shot at a young age.  I'm sure we rescued her from a horrible situation.  In all honesty, she rescued me too!

I was newly married and Mike and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 2 years.  After medication, counting days to ovulation, and lots of practice :) it just wasn't happening.  Doctors told us to take a break from trying since I could only be on medication for 6 months.  We needed to think about the next step which would have been in vitro.  Lucy filled that void and heartache.  She made me focus on something else.  She made Mike and I adventure out.....we took several boat trips with her on Kenray Lake.  She would be my constant companion when Mike was busy with the youth group.  She made me feel safe.  She's a good dog.

In her honor, I'm pre-paying for an adoption at White River Human Society.  I'm hoping that some family finds the joy that we have experienced with our sweet Lucy over the years.

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