Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Celebration 20 Stevie Gilbert

Celebration 20
First Baptist youth group member Stevie Gilbert.

When I think about Mike's youth group days I always think of Stevie.  He probably doesn't appreciate me calling him Stevie, but he can get over it :)  I had my doubts about our relationship.  He wasn't easy to love and understand.  I wasn't easy to push away.  We battled several times about things, but I always appreciated his honesty.  He would let me know if he thought I was wrong, he would let me know if I was getting on his nerves, he would flat out tell me that he didn't like me and I was fine with it!  What he probably didn't know was that we were the same person underneath our outside appearances.

He had a wall, I had a wall.  He didn't trust people intentions, I didn't trust people intentions.  He didn't feel worthy, I didn't feel worthy.  He didn't want to get hurt, I didn't want to get hurt. He didn't feel loved, I didn't feel loved.  Doubts, fears, past experience, lost, worthiness, guilt....I'm telling you same person!  I wrote that boy several notes of encouragement and truth.  I prayed for him constantly.  I loved him as he was my own. I knew the game he was playing and I choose to participate.

Even though he made me mad some days, even though he made me doubt my beliefs, even though he pushed all boundaries.....HE WAS WORTH IT!  I never gave up on him.  He still holds a special place in my heart and even though I don't tell him often....I love that little turd!

I'm glad that later in life God gave me the blessing of him admitting that we meant something to him.  That we made a difference in his life.  That's all I ever wanted to do, show him the love of Jesus.  To let him know that he was a beloved son even if his earthly parents weren't so great.  He was loved by the Almighty Father.

He taught me to love even when you're not 100% sure. In his honor, I know he loves his kitties, so I'm donating cat food to our local humane society.  

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