Thursday, June 23, 2016

Celebration 21 Russell "Goat" White

Celebration 21
Neighbor Russell "Goat" White.

Once Mike and I moved into my childhood home that we bought from my parents, we inherited good ole neighbor Goat.  While growing up in that home, I remember him sitting in the back yard always messing with something.  He had lots of projects sitting around and I remember thinking clean up your yard.  I was a young girl knowing nothing about owning my own home and how easy things can pile up because you have plans for them :)

Once Mike and I were living in the house, Goat had retired from his job.  He spent many a day planting his vegetable garden, fixing up boats, and visiting with my children.  NO matter how busy he was, he would come to the fence and chat with the kids.  He watched numerous fights from across the fence and would just wave at me when my patience with the kiddos were running thin.  If we needed any tools he was the first guy we went was a good thing that he had all those projects :)  He was as handy as a pocket on a shirt.  He knew something about everything.

I remember the day he passed.  I remember the chair that still sits in the yard where his wife found him.  I also remember seeing him in that chair several mornings reading his bible.  I remember when he told Mike and I that he was a different man because he accepted Jesus, better late than never he said! He was in his late 60's.  He was a good neighbor and I miss him dearly.

He taught me to keep things.  This is hard for me.  I struggle with keeping things that I don't have plans for in the next 5 minutes.  All the pictures colored by the kiddos, clothes that no longer fit, household items that don't have a place.  In his honor, I took some cookies to my current neighbors and thanked them for being good ones!  Even though, they will never compare to good ole Goat!

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