Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Celebration 23 Hoosier Uplands Staff

Celebration 23
Hoosier Uplands Co-Workers.

When I was freshly out of school, I got a good paying job at a local factory doing secretarial work.  I loved my job, but my boss was unbearable. I enjoyed her as a person, but when it came to pleasing that woman I could do NOTHING to satisfy her.  It was a very long 3 years.  Freshly married, I would come home almost daily crying about what she said, how she treated me, or just from pure exhaustion of trying to perform at perfection level daily.  Mike had enough, he said you're quitting,...put in your 2 week notice and be done.  I did just that without having a job to transfer to.  It was a bit scary.  Giving up my benefits, my income just because I couldn't handle it.  God provided just like he always has.

Just 2 weeks later, I was hired to be the Section 8 Housing Specialist at Hoosier Uplands.  I worked for a boss, Amy Hopper, that made my job a pleasure instead of a burden.  She lead the way when it came to hard work, she never demanded perfection and she would do any job that was required instead of playing the power card of authority.  She was understanding.  She rewarded hard work.  It was good.  Also, there were others in the office that made my job fun and interesting.  We could talk about any issue and for the most part feelings and personal opinions didn't get in the way.  Addie always had a funny story about Chuck, her husband or her son, Damon.   She was quite the story teller and I'm sure America would tune in for her reality show.  Also, Jenny would tell some tales about her two boys growing up.  I can still remember the story when her youngest Kyle was using the bathroom and the toilet automatically flushed......he yelled "I'm not done!"  Then, there was Bobbi.  She challenged some of my thinking.  We would talk religion, politics, children, parenting, she would speak truth to me on some issues and I think I did the same.  We helped each other "talk it out".......mainly because I think both of our hubbies don't talk much :)  We had to get all of our questions answered.

There were others, but those girls were the ones closest to my desk.  I miss those days.  I didn't particularly love the job since it was working for the government.  Nothing better than to see your hard earn money going to waste on some people who played the system.  It was definitely eye opening!  I was in that office when 9/11 happened and I can still remember listening to the broadcast over the intercom.

They taught me how to be a good co-worker.  In their honor, I worked an extra 3 1/2 hours tonight doing a project for my bosses even though it wasn't needed until 2 weeks from now.  It really isn't business related, it's more of a personal matter for them.  I know they appreciate my help!

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